Terry Watson
Kelvin Grimble
Tom Edwards
Barry Cardineal
Michael Hanson
Linda Albright
Austin Atwood
David Bates
Wayne Chomik
Bryan Clark
Kevin Duthu
Marc-Dieter Einstmann
Andy Freeman
Randy Gardner
Jim Gilmore
Gil Griffith
Scott Hernbeck
John Jaszcz
Jim Jordan
Jim Kaiser
Graham Kirk
Kerry Kopp
Alan Litten
Russell Long
Bob Olhsson
Matt Pogorelc
Ken Porter
Ryan Shelton
Erik Thompson
Jim Yakabuski
Frank Wells
Possessing a mixed technical/musical background, Bert embarked on his audio career as a recording engineer in the 1980s – during the advent of the digital era – dealing with the recording/editing of classical music and jazz. Alongside this, he developed in an educational capacity, establishing professional training programs in audio technology; initially targeting broadcast engineers, and later expanding to encompass other AV companies.